In this section
GCSE Spanish Previous exam materials How to revise for a Spanish speaking exam How to revise for a Spanish writing exam How to revise for a Spanish reading and listening exam Revision websitesGCSE Spanish
Previous exam materials
How to revise for a Spanish speaking exam
Presentation: 1 minute, use flash cards to write down your presentation to ensure you memorise it.
How to revise for a Spanish writing exam
Do brain dumps on themes e.g. brain dump on the topic of holiday and see what you can write from memory.
Practice annotating rubrics on the exam questions using the success criteria: 1. identify what type of text and to whom 2. identify bullet points and tenses 3. success criteria (INBOOST – idiom, negative word, bullet point, opinion, olé ocho phrase, structure, tenses).
How to revise for a Spanish reading and listening exam
Vocabulary is essential in order for you to access the listening and reading questions. Ensure you look through the lists and learn vocabulary.
Ensure to focus your attention to literature style questions – these are often in the format of an extract from a book or play.
Practice exam style questions under timed conditions.
When practising exam questions, ensure you maximise the 5 minutes of reading time initially and write in possible answers to questions and predictions. On the first listen, write down what you can understand in Spanish and the second time round solidify your answer in English. Always ensure to listen to the example question first.
Listen to different extracts in Spanish on youtube, listening exercises on online textbooks or a podcast to ensure you are used to listening to Spanish.
Revision websites
To prepare for a Spanish exam, the most effective approach is to practice. This website section contains several resources that enable you to do that.
Misconception videos (Spanish)