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GCSE Spanish

Click here for the AQA exam board website.

Click here for the Edexcel exam board website - Dixons Trinity only.

How to revise for a Spanish speaking exam

Practise preparing role plays in timed conditions. (6 minutes' preparation time). Watch this video to ensure you're using the preparation time properly.

Practise preparing photo cards in time conditions using the PALM prompt (6 minutes' preparation time).

Practise delivering your Speaking Booklet answers from memory. Record them on your phone and listen back lots and lots of times.

Make sure you know the questions and what they mean as well!

Write your Speaking Booklet answers on flashcards - write them in small chunks at first - and test yourself for 5-10 minutes every day. Work with a classmate to test each other.

How to revise for a Spanish writing exam

Practise past paper questions in timed conditions:
Write the success criteria for the task from memory & use it to plan your answer.
Write your plan (5-10 mins) - check it meets all criteria.
Write your answer in Spanish - go through it and mark it against the success criteria.

Learn 4-5 STAR phrases / Tortilla sheet phrases by heart

Use mind maps to revise vocabulary - use your booklet to create the mind map.
Start a blank page and write as much of the mind map content as you can from memory.
Check the new mind map against the original & fill in any gaps in a different colour. Focus your revision on the missing parts.
Repeat the task and see if you can remember all elements of the original mind map.
Repeat for each topic until you can recall complete mind maps from memory.

Look at past papers and practise translating the questions and bullet points into English.

How to revise for a Spanish reading and listening exam

Vocabulary is essential in order for you to access the listening and reading questions. Use your booklet / ask your teacher for vocabulary lists. Read them and identify the words you don't yet know.
Make flashcards out of the unknown words and test yourself for 5-10 minutes each day. Work with a classmate to test each other.

Practise past paper questions under exam conditions.

When practising exam questions, ensure you maximise the 5 minutes of reading time initially and write in possible answers to questions and predictions. On the first listen, write down what you can understand in Spanish and the second time round solidify your answer in English. Always listen carefully to the example question first.

Use websites such as and News in Slow Spanish to practise listening in Spanish.

Listen to Spanish music playlists on Spotify to tune your ear into Spanish sounds.

Use websites such as to read in Spanish.

Revision websites

To prepare for a Spanish exam, the most effective approach is to practice in Spanish. This website section contains several resources that enable you to do that.

All papers, all topics

BBC Bitesize



Lyrics Training

News in Slow Spanish

BBC Mundo
